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How to Setup your first IIS Web site

Internet Information Services (IIS) is Microsofts Web/Ftp server.  In this guide we will be ignoring ftp and concentrating on Installing, Configuring and setting up your first IIS Web site.


Connecting to your Windows Mammoth VPS

By default your Windows Mammoth VPS will be configured to allow Administrative access via Remote Desktop. To connect to your server using Remote Desktop follow these steps.

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, Remote Desktop.

    If you don't have a copy of Remote Desktop Client, you can download a copy from here
  2. You should see a prompt asking for Computer and Username, click Options, this should expand the dialog to show more options.
  3. In Computer enter the IP address assigned to your Mammoth VPS.

    You can find this on the mammothvps web site by logging into your MPanel and then select your VPS and click Manage.
  4. In User name enter "Administrator".
  5. Check Allow me to save credentials
  6. Click Save As, and save to your desktop.
  7. Click Connect.
  8. A dialog will popup warning you that potential connections may harm your computer.  Simply click Ok for now.
  9. A dialog will popup asking for your Adminstrator Password, enter your password which was generated for you during the setup process for your Mammoth VPS.
  10. You may receive another dialog warning you about an invalid certificate.  Ignore this dialog and click Yes.

Security Updates

It is highly recommended that before configuring your server you will need to run the latest security patches, hotfixes and updates via windows updates.

  1. Log onto the Web server computer as administrator.
  2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double click on Windows Updates.
  4. Select only important updates and click Ok.

Please wait until all updates have completed before continuing.  A restart may be required.

Installing IIS

By default your Windows Server 2008 Mammoth VPS will not have any server roles configured. The following process will instruct you on how to setup and install IIS.

  1. Log onto the Web server computer as administrator.
  2. Click Start, and then click Server Manager.
  3. Click Roles, and then click Add Roles in the right hand panel. This will open the Add Roles Wizard.
  4. Select Web Server (IIS), and select Yes to install pre-requisite features.
  5. Select Application Server, and select Yes to install pre-requisite features.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Under Application Server Click Next.
  8. Select Application Server Foundation (should be checked by default)
  9. Select Web Server (IIS Suport), and select Add Required Role Services to install pre-requisite features.



  10. Click Next.
  11. Under Web Server (IIS) click Next.
  12. Under Web Server (IIS) > Role Services, select ASP and then under Management Tools select IIS 6 Management Compatibility.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Review the installation features, once you are happy with what will be installed, click Install.


Configure a default Web site

Now that you've installed IIS, it will be preconfigured to serve as a default Web stie.  However you may want to change some of the settings.

  1. Log onto the Web server computer as administrator.
  2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  4. Double-click your VPS' hostname in the left pane, then double-click Sites.
  5. Right-click the Web site that you want to configure in the left pane (eg 'Default Web Site'), and then click Properties.
  6. Click the Web site tab.
  7. Type a description for the Web site in the Description box.
  8. Type the Internet Protocol (IP) address to use for the Web site, or leave the All (Unasigned) default setting.
  9. Modify the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port as appropriate.
  10. Click the Home Directory tab.
  11. To use a folder on the local computer, click A directory on this computer, and then click Browse to locate the folder that you want to use.
  12. To use a folder that has ben shared form another computer on the network, click A share located on another computer, and then either type the network path or click Browse to select the shared folder.
  13. Click Read to grant read access to the folder (required).
  14. Click OK to accept the Web site properties.

Create a new Web site

To create a new Web site in IIS, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the Web server computer as administrator.
  2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  3. Double click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Services Manager.
  4. Click Action, point to New and then click Web Site.
  5. After the Web Site Creation Wizard starts, click Next.
  6. Type a description for the Web site.

    This description is used internally to identify the Web site in IIS Manager only.
  7. Select the IP address to use for the site.

    If you select All (unassigned), the Web site is accessible on all interfaces and all configured IP addresses.
  8. Type the TCP port number to publish the site on.
  9. Type the Host Header name (the real name that is used to access the site).
  10. Click Next.
  11. Either type the path to the folder that is holding the Web site documents or click Browse to select the folder, and then click Next.
  12. Select the access permissions for the Web site, and then click Next.
  13. Click Finish.


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